Some times I wonder why do I have to meet such people sometimes. People who are rude, domineering and like people to follow THEIR instructions and preference. These people got issue is it? I know it is not worth it to be so pissed over people with low EQ, but I guess I just cannot help it, just angry can???
Am I the one who looks like I can be pushed over? Do I look like you can be unpleasant and make fun of?
I seriously hate this person, SERIOUSLY!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
This year's Christmas celebration was abit different from prior year. We had a Christmas party at Mamee's place and it was fun. We had fun laughing over silly things, had great food of pizzas, Old Chang Kee and cakes and Wii definitely helped in making us laugh more especially when we are playing the games, all of us look so animated! :) Chloe was the main star of the day, so many aunties and uncles have to take turns to carry her and play with her. Luckily she is not afraid of us!
Got a lot of presents this year and most of them have cats! Calender with cats, toilet roll holder with cat, japanese pouch with cat, hp charm in cat shape etc etc and I love them all!!! Haven't receive my presents from my 2 sisters since I haven't had the chance to meet them yet.
I wish next year will be a better year........ MUCH BETTER........
Got a lot of presents this year and most of them have cats! Calender with cats, toilet roll holder with cat, japanese pouch with cat, hp charm in cat shape etc etc and I love them all!!! Haven't receive my presents from my 2 sisters since I haven't had the chance to meet them yet.
I wish next year will be a better year........ MUCH BETTER........
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My birthday
I have to admit that this year, I enjoyed myself better on my birthday as compared to the prior few years. Perhaps it is because I told BC SPECIFICALLY how I want to spend my birthday and what present I want for my birthday (honestly he sucks at surprises, never fail to NOT surprise me, haha).
Celebration starts on the evening before the actual day with a simple fare at East Coast Hawker Centre. Ever since I have shifted to my own place, I have not been there for food and I seriously miss the food there...... fried prawn noodles, satays, fried oyster omelette etc. Taxi fare was a killer though given that we don't drive and I don't like the hassle of changing buses, trains etc etc but it was still an enjoyable meal with all my favorite food.
Met BC after his work yesterday and we had lunch at Lucky Plaza. A small, old store that sells excellent roast meat noodles and hor fun and is constantly crowded was not so crowded yesterday. After which is shopping for my birthday present!!!! The best part of my birthday itineary. Stepped into Tiffany & Co and it was crowded!!! I don't see economic recession in this shop along with Coach and LV boutiques (people are queueing to go in and swipe their plastics). Finally got my Eternal Circle necklace, the one which I have been eyeing for a few months. Tried on other designs like bean, tear drop and open heart and still the Eternal Circle looks best. Now it's BC's turn to swipe his plastic, hahahaha.

Tiffany's Eternal Circle necklace :)

The Cullen family looks good!

Celebration starts on the evening before the actual day with a simple fare at East Coast Hawker Centre. Ever since I have shifted to my own place, I have not been there for food and I seriously miss the food there...... fried prawn noodles, satays, fried oyster omelette etc. Taxi fare was a killer though given that we don't drive and I don't like the hassle of changing buses, trains etc etc but it was still an enjoyable meal with all my favorite food.
Met BC after his work yesterday and we had lunch at Lucky Plaza. A small, old store that sells excellent roast meat noodles and hor fun and is constantly crowded was not so crowded yesterday. After which is shopping for my birthday present!!!! The best part of my birthday itineary. Stepped into Tiffany & Co and it was crowded!!! I don't see economic recession in this shop along with Coach and LV boutiques (people are queueing to go in and swipe their plastics). Finally got my Eternal Circle necklace, the one which I have been eyeing for a few months. Tried on other designs like bean, tear drop and open heart and still the Eternal Circle looks best. Now it's BC's turn to swipe his plastic, hahahaha.
Caught 'Twilight' after the shopping and this show is seriously a romance show. Action was minimal and most of the scenes were just depicting the attraction between the male and female lead. But I have to admit that the male lead, Robert Pattinson is really quite cool looking in the show, abit too fair for me though, but then he is a vampire, so...... maybe that's why he is so fair.

Our dinner was chocolate buffet at Fullerton Hotel and it is seriously not very much worth the $48+++. Well, it's basically just desserts and I need some salt in my dinner!!! Told BC that I CANNOT just have desserts for my dinner and we order a simple ham and cheese pizza as our main course. I ended up enjoying the pizza better than all the chocolate desserts since I am more of a salt than sugar person. But they serve excellent hot chocolate there! They have a variety of of different chocolate in different concentration of cocoa and different flavoured chocolate as well. We tried orange & rum, hazelnut and 60% cocoa and my favourite is 60% cocoa since I like my chocolate slight bitter with a tinge of sweetness. The ambience was wonderful with the christmas decorations and live piano at the background, it was truly a relaxing experience...... :)
The nice ambience at Fullerton Hotel
The decoration on our table
My hair looks neat right??? The power of the hair straightener! Hahaha
60% cocoa drink
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Virgin Snow
Ok, I admit, I watch this show because of Lee Jun Ki, but it's a damn touching show lor! Yes, it's those typical school time love that goes on for the rest of their lives but it's really a nice show to cry to. Lee Jun Ki as usual is so cute in here and gosh, when he cries, your heart just melt........
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lee Jun Ki
For no apparent reason, I seem to be crazy over Lee Jun Ki, the korean male actress who acted in 'The King And The Clown', 'My Girl' and 'Time between Dog and Wolf'. People always say that he looks like a woman but who cares!!! I find him damn cute lor. Haha.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Brought Eden and Titus for their sterilisation this morning. Honestly, I really don't know what to expect but I am seriously worried if it will be dangerous or will it be difficult to take care of them after that. The vet explained to us in details how will the procedures be like for both Eden and Titus and also advised us what are the things to take note of when they are back. After dropping them off at 930am, I headed back home on my own and have my own 'nuah-ing' time. Haha.
Picked them up at the vet at around 4pm and I was surprised to see them awake and looking normal, but Eden's eyes were abit red though, not sure why. When I brought them back, Titus looks and behaved like nothing was done to him. He was still able to run around and jump around. But Eden looked stoned and weak. When she walks, it was as if I am watching a slow motion show, haha. There were a few times when she jumped up the sofa like how she used to but end up not able to land properly on the ground when she came down. She fell like a few times!!!! I see liao also heart pain. Now I just want to make sure that she don't jump around too much and most importantly don't lick her wound to prevent infection......
Picked them up at the vet at around 4pm and I was surprised to see them awake and looking normal, but Eden's eyes were abit red though, not sure why. When I brought them back, Titus looks and behaved like nothing was done to him. He was still able to run around and jump around. But Eden looked stoned and weak. When she walks, it was as if I am watching a slow motion show, haha. There were a few times when she jumped up the sofa like how she used to but end up not able to land properly on the ground when she came down. She fell like a few times!!!! I see liao also heart pain. Now I just want to make sure that she don't jump around too much and most importantly don't lick her wound to prevent infection......
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sentosa has ALWAYS been a favourite venue for teambuilding and this year, it was no exceptions. We expected alot of sweating and running since activities for teambuilding at Sentosa has never been more predictable. The most interesting part of the teambuilding was building a 'car' using pipes with real wheels and it must be able to sustain racing with a person sitting on it. Ours was abit not so good and it seems to be a bit loose at certain areas so we kept telling our driver and pusher (who pushes the car) that safety comes first and we need not win.
The unfinished car........
Afternoon was running around Sentosa like Amazing Race. The weather started to turn abit cloudy and windy and we thought we could enjoy the wind...... but it started to rain heavily during the last hour of the race and the stupid pon chou doesn't work at all!!!! The plastic was so thin and rain still managed to get in. Ended up, alot of us looked like wet chicken......
Althought it was tiring and we all got wet, but I must say that I was surprised that I enjoyed it. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Previously when I was chasing the Korean show 太王四神记 on DVD, there is always this chinese song playing after each episode and I have been trying to find out the title of the song..... Finally!!!! After most people forgot what show is this, I heard it on radio this morning while on the bus to work and I finally managed to download this track!!!! Yeah!
曲名: 传说, 歌手: 刘力扬 & 林宥嘉
当时的他 如何形容
对方 听懂不懂
洞穴湖泊 日升月落
他们 爱了多久
也许分离 还没被发明
在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
我会尽我全力 抵抗时间的侵袭
在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
OH 还好我有你
曲名: 传说, 歌手: 刘力扬 & 林宥嘉
当时的他 如何形容
对方 听懂不懂
洞穴湖泊 日升月落
他们 爱了多久
也许分离 还没被发明
在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
我会尽我全力 抵抗时间的侵袭
在每个尽头 再约好碰头
再睁开眼 就认出你我
这人海辽阔 爱总被蹉跎
OH 还好我有你
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Lately have been looking back at some of the pics that I took of Eden and we realised that she has really grown by alot! Still remember the day we brought her back, she was so small and mini and cute and shy. Now, she is like the princess already, knowing her way around the house, demanding things when we don't give her. Naughty!!! Hahaha. Even Titus seems to be opening up abit more also. Now on and off, we see him coming out of the wash area and venturing out into the area near the kitchen (we guess the kitchen is like his safe zone so he want to stay here to that area). Of course, we have to give credit to Eden because she being the 大姐头 (even though Titus is about 1 month older than her) will always be the one running in and out and showing the areas whereby they can play and have 'toys' to amuse themselves with. But this 'ah gua' Titus is still very scare of us, whenever he see us coming, he will run into his wash area again!
Look at how Eden is how vs 2 months ago..................
Titus hiding at his usual corner when we bring him out to the balcony
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Eden and Titus are now getting along fairly well. We do see them cat fighting but we also see them sharing their bed, licking each other etc. Shy Titus is still very very scare of me and BC but I would say that he is not so scared of us as when we initially brought him home. As much as we can, we will bring him out to balcony (where he can see us) when we are at home, so that he will get used to us. For Eden, she already know her territory well and she can even respond to us when we call her. :)
Sweet right????
Titus (left) and Eden (right)
Titus falling asleep while Eden is distracted with the bell ball in my hand
Good buddies share the bed :)
Still sleeping...............
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Eden's 1st vaccination
Eden finaly had her 1st vaccination today. Initially, we thought that she will make some noise while receiving the injection but we were surprised when she made no noise at all. Either the vet's skill is very good thus she felt no pain, or the needle is very fine so she can't feel anything at all. The vet told us that she might feel lethargic, not eat as much as compared to normal or even experience muscle soreness. However, when we were back and when she saw Titus, we do not see ANY of the symptoms that the vet mentioned! She is still energetic and mischevious as how she used to be and she cannot stop disturbing Titus!!! Haha.
Eden trying her luck to play with Titus
Friday, September 19, 2008
After 5 days with us, Titus is still painfully shy and obviously still scared of Eden. But yesterday, I saw slight inprovement in him. I actually opened the door of the wash area in which he is in and I stood outside of the wash area, hanging my laundry. He no longer put his head in his box and is looking at me curiously. So happy!!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Yes!!! We adopted Titus!!! However, he is still painfully shy and scared of his new environment. And Eden is a tyrant!!! She kept bullying him so we had to separate them to 2 places, Eden to be in the kitchen while Titus to be in the wash area with the door closed so that he can feel more secured and safe. I hope that Titus do not take too long to get used to his new environment, we just have to be patient.........
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A playmate
BC and myself has been exploring the idea of getting a playmate for Eden but we are unsure whether to go ahead with this commitment especially when we are 1st time owner and only had her for a month. After much discussion, we decide to go ahead with getting another kitten!!!! Yeah!
Initially our 1st choice was a grey male kitten called 'Gabriel' (same name as BC). But sad to say, on the afternoon when I contacted the foster mum, he already got interested owner who wants to adopt him, I guess perhaps he is just not the one that we are fated to have.
Initially our 1st choice was a grey male kitten called 'Gabriel' (same name as BC). But sad to say, on the afternoon when I contacted the foster mum, he already got interested owner who wants to adopt him, I guess perhaps he is just not the one that we are fated to have.

Gabriel, who has been adopted
Tomorrow, we will be viewing another 12 weeks male kitten called 'Titus' that is full ginger colour! Heard from the foster mum that we are not the only one viewing him as well so we shall have to see who will be the most suitable owner to have him. Let's wait to see if we are fated to have him then. BC told Eden to start praying! Haha.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tiffany & Co
I have always find Tiffany's silver accessories ridiculously charging customers at high price based on a few hundred % markup. But I have to admit they have nice designs....... Lately, I was watching a HK show on SCV and the female lead was wearing this necklace. Seriously fell in love with it at first sight. It's called the Elsa Peretti® Eternal Circle pendant and necklace........
Eden has been at our place for almost 1 month and she has really grown. Not only is she bigger now, but she has also become naughtier! She will nibble at our hands or feet to show her affection but sometimes she will also go crazy and really bite us for no reason and run around the house like lunatic. BC and me have to resort to beating her backside, scolding her and even spraying water at her face so that she knows she is doing something wrong. But nevertheless, we can never be angry with her for long because she will 'sa jiao' with us again or look at us with her round watery eyes that just make our heart melt. AWWWWWW........ :)
Sleeping soundly on BC's arm
Minding her own business
Lazy Eden!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
We have tried leaving Eden in the living room and kitchen these few days while we go out for dinner or short periods out of home and she seems to be well behaved still. On and off, we notice that she does have abit of mood swings will the constant climbing up and down of sofa and we are trying very hard to get her not to chew the wires at home! Have no choice but to buy a bitter spray from pet shop and spray on those stuffs that we do not want her to bite on.
She has certainly grown since the day we fetch her home. Her stomach seems bigger, appetite got better and she has also grown longer. Haha. But she is still cute and adorable and active. On and off, she does come to us and 'sa jiao' especially when we just scolded her for something that she should not do. Like now, this is the 1st time that she came to my lap and fall asleep!
She is just so adorable........
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Eden Day 5
Eden is more or less getting used to the house now and that means trouble for us!!!! She is always running around with my bedroom slippers (YES! that's her latest toy!) and she is always trying her luck fiddling with the wires at home and she especially LOVE to walk over my keyboard when I am typing on my laptop. Hahaha. But she still never fails to make me and BC laugh. The way she moves, laugh and even yawn is just so cute. And today we notice that she seems to be fatter!!! Her stomach seems bigger! Haha.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Eden Day 4
Today we have to start disciplining Eden when she is naughty or when she is doing things that she should not be doing. She LOVE to play with the wires at home and she even tried to go near the fan!!! So dangerous! She kept wanting to go to the fan that I have to spank her butt lightly. Eden is actually quite mischevious....... and very kaypoh! She would see what we are doing and come and kaypoh, haha. We notice that she like to snuggle next to BC, maybe because he seems bigger and she feel more secure snuggling next to him. In fact, just now while BC was lying on the sofa, she came up and curl up next to BC in his arms! So cute!
I always take pics of Eden when she is sleeping because that's when she is not moving around and she look the cutest!!! There is her sleeping posture for today....
Monday, August 11, 2008
Eden Day 3
Today is Monday and it's the 1st time we had to leave Eden alone at home for almost half the day while we were working. Honestly, I would be lying if I say I don't miss her while I was at work. I am thinking what she is doing at home and if she is eating and resting and playing well.
Coming back from work, I'm glad that she is still active while we let her out of her area for her play and meal time. Now she can climb up to the sofa from the ground and snuggle at HER corner of the sofa when she is feeling tired and wanted some rest. We are slowly allow her to explore the different parts of the house except our bedrooms so that she has more area to have fun at while we are not at home. She seems to be getting used to our home since her appetite has increased too!
The good news is Eden no longer has anymore discharge coming from her right eye after visiting the vet yesterday. But the skin irritation at her neck is still there and on and off, Eden does scratch herself at the neck. I hope her neck can quickly recover then I can get a cute collar with bell and her name tag for her! Hehe.
Eden lazing on HER spot on the sofa!
She climbs alot now!
And she can sleep on the edge???
Yes, she is sleeping.......... -_-
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Eden Day 2
This morning, we woke up to find Eden abit more active than usual. She seems to be biting and scratching more than yesterday. Not very sure why is her behaviour like this also........ Then we notice that her right eye seems to be having discharge. Sms-ed her foster mum about this and she mentioned that she noticed also but she is unsure if she is down with cat flu. She advise that it might be a good idea to visit a vet and see is there is anything wrong.
Brought her to Mt Pleasant Animal Clinic at Sunset Way and poor Eden was soooooo scared! She was shivering so badly that when the vet wanted to take her weight by placing her on the scale, the whole scale was shaking as she was shivering so badly!!!! Poor thing....... From the routine check, the vet notice she has some skin irritation on her neck and he is concerned about having some ringworms and have to put her on some topical cream and anti biotics and monitor her for about 3 weeks. Dewormed her as part of the routine check and the vet say we might see worms in her poo tomorrow morning..... EEEEEWWWW.......... She has also to apply some eye drops for her right eye. Hopefully she can recover soon. We thought we could vaccinate her at the same time today but the vet said she is too young, so we have to wait for another 3 - 4 weeks and come back again.
Today, instead of restricting her to the sofa by 'force', we allowed her to roam the house (we close the doors of the bedrooms and kitchen) by the advice of the foster mum. And she likes it!!! She is not hiding underneath the furniture as often and will walk around the house and play with her toys!!! 1 more achievement for us!
Brought her to Mt Pleasant Animal Clinic at Sunset Way and poor Eden was soooooo scared! She was shivering so badly that when the vet wanted to take her weight by placing her on the scale, the whole scale was shaking as she was shivering so badly!!!! Poor thing....... From the routine check, the vet notice she has some skin irritation on her neck and he is concerned about having some ringworms and have to put her on some topical cream and anti biotics and monitor her for about 3 weeks. Dewormed her as part of the routine check and the vet say we might see worms in her poo tomorrow morning..... EEEEEWWWW.......... She has also to apply some eye drops for her right eye. Hopefully she can recover soon. We thought we could vaccinate her at the same time today but the vet said she is too young, so we have to wait for another 3 - 4 weeks and come back again.
Today, instead of restricting her to the sofa by 'force', we allowed her to roam the house (we close the doors of the bedrooms and kitchen) by the advice of the foster mum. And she likes it!!! She is not hiding underneath the furniture as often and will walk around the house and play with her toys!!! 1 more achievement for us!
Yes.... she is sleeping again............
Her blissful look sleeping on her new cushion from Daiso
Like a baby......
Hungry!!! Yummy!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Eden Day 1
We finally went to fetch Eden from her foster mum this afternoon, me and BC were so excited!!!! We have prepared all the necessary for the past few days and we couldn't wait to view and fetch her home.
We arrived at her foster mum's place slightly earlier than the agreed time since we thought it is better to be early than late. When we saw her, we were .....OMG......... we knew we want to bring her back. Her foster mum told us abit of history about Eden and explained to us why she is abit insecure and afraid of people. She has been loitering around some estates with her birth mother and sister. Since the day she was born, they were being fed by the volunteers of Cat Welfare Organisation. Her sister, Maya was actually up for adoption as well, but sadly, her sister went missing a few days before today's viewing thus a lady who was scheduled to come for a viewing earlier than me has to be disappointed (cos the foster mum reserved Eden for me thus this lady was also unable to view Eden). To be away from her mum and seeing her own sister went missing must be very sad for a young kitten like her thus explaining her insecurity. The foster mum told us that we have to be very patient with her and slowly she will get used to us and be closer to us.
Guess how we fetch her home? She super love lieing down in those recycleable cloth shopping bag, thus we 'transported' her back in it. She was sleeping all the way from the time we left the foster mum's place at 230pm and coming back, being afraid with the unfamiliar environment, she only fell asleep at 4pm till around 6pm+. We thought she had no appetite since we brought the food plate to her and she is not eating..... then BC slowly fed her bit by bit and she finally eaten! Phew! Now the next thing to be concerned is her toilet habit, we were so scared she will pee and poo around the house!!! Luckily, she only do that in the litter box and as and when we see her start digging around, we know we had to bring her to the litter box.
The sad part came when we had to sleep. We had to let her sleep on her own in the kitchen and she was meowing the whole time......... We have to ignore her since we need our sleep... Her meowing is actually quite loud wo! I hope the neighbours are not disturbed by it.
We arrived at her foster mum's place slightly earlier than the agreed time since we thought it is better to be early than late. When we saw her, we were .....OMG......... we knew we want to bring her back. Her foster mum told us abit of history about Eden and explained to us why she is abit insecure and afraid of people. She has been loitering around some estates with her birth mother and sister. Since the day she was born, they were being fed by the volunteers of Cat Welfare Organisation. Her sister, Maya was actually up for adoption as well, but sadly, her sister went missing a few days before today's viewing thus a lady who was scheduled to come for a viewing earlier than me has to be disappointed (cos the foster mum reserved Eden for me thus this lady was also unable to view Eden). To be away from her mum and seeing her own sister went missing must be very sad for a young kitten like her thus explaining her insecurity. The foster mum told us that we have to be very patient with her and slowly she will get used to us and be closer to us.
Guess how we fetch her home? She super love lieing down in those recycleable cloth shopping bag, thus we 'transported' her back in it. She was sleeping all the way from the time we left the foster mum's place at 230pm and coming back, being afraid with the unfamiliar environment, she only fell asleep at 4pm till around 6pm+. We thought she had no appetite since we brought the food plate to her and she is not eating..... then BC slowly fed her bit by bit and she finally eaten! Phew! Now the next thing to be concerned is her toilet habit, we were so scared she will pee and poo around the house!!! Luckily, she only do that in the litter box and as and when we see her start digging around, we know we had to bring her to the litter box.
The sad part came when we had to sleep. We had to let her sleep on her own in the kitchen and she was meowing the whole time......... We have to ignore her since we need our sleep... Her meowing is actually quite loud wo! I hope the neighbours are not disturbed by it.
Taking her afternoon nap
She is still sleeping........
Strike a pose!
Isn't she a beauty???
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm so so so so so so so so HAPPY!!!! I am getting my own kitten!!! Yes!!!! After thinking and procastinating for a while, me and BC have decide to adopt a kitten. After viewing the available cats up for adoption, we immediately fell in love with this white / ginger kitten called Eden. After contacting the foster mum, we will be collecting Eden for a trial adoption starting from this Sat for 2 weeks. This is to let us decide and consider whether or not we can take care of her for her lifetime.
Received a list of things to prepare for Eden from the foster mum and the basic necessities includes litter box, cat litter, dry kitten food, some toys and a scratch board....... So so excited about this! Even BC is excited and told me to get more toys for her when I have to stop him from over pampering her.

Eden (left), isn't she cute????
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Me and BC did something unbelievable yesterday. We actually brought a kitten back to our place yesterday hoping we can keep the cat as pet but we failed. The kitten still prefers its usual habitat near the car park. I actually fell in love with this kitten when it was a few weeks old. Saw it running around near my blk, then we found this cat always lazing near the pavement at the car park and yesterday we saw the cat looking restless, we thought this cat is too hungry and carried the cat back to our place. Little did we know that this cat don't like our house!!!! She prefers her usual pavement!!!! So sad! We has to let this cat leave out house and stroll back to its usual place.
Isn't she a beauty???
Anyway, we have decided to adopt a cat and is actively looking for one one Cat Welfare Society. We are trying to arrange for a viewing for this kitten that we are so in love in !!!! Wish me luck!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My 10th year anniversary
29th July.......... 29th July 1998....... now 29th July 2008, it's 10 years already, isn't it fast???? Today is my 10th year anniversary with BC and honestly after all these years, it just feel like another ordinary day with the usual waking up early to report to work etc etc. I have thought that it would really be just another day since BC is not someone who plan surprises and he actually managed to surprise me. Not only did he bought a small cake (like birthday huh??? hahaha), he actually got me a gift! A love song CD from The CD Shop! To think that I was very confident and told my fren, Y that he WILL NOT get me anything. Seriously, he proved me wrong! Dammit....... I actually had to confess to him that I did not get him anything since we thought that watching the movie and having the dinner last weekend was sufficient.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Watched a few movies over this weekend. First was 'Wanted' and the next day 'Get Smart'. Today rented 'Die hard 4.0'...... I think me and BC has no other leisure other than movies, in fact we were just talking that our only leisure is watching movie. Having no car can be quite inconvenient nowadays since taxi fares are more expensive nowadays and sometimes the thought of travelling by bus / MRT by abt 45 mins to 1 hr and subsequently be squashed by the growing crowd in Singapore is just so irritating!!!!! We would love to go cycling at East Coast / visit the zoo sometimes / enjoy some good food at Geylang etc etc....... I should have just stayed overseas longer so that I will not be so irritated by the crowd here. Not to mention the weather is killing me...... The humidity and temperature is getting from bad to worse. Hiaz.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The feeling of disappointment just sucks. Perhaps this is what the statement '没有希望就不会失望' means. I guess human beings been human beings, we all have expectations of things around us. It is just impossible to stop expecting things isn't it? I don't know about you but I guess I have not attained the level to stop expecting things. But I guess I just never learn my lesson, after so many years and so much disappointments, I am still still holding on to the glimpse of 希望 and thus still disappointed time and time again.
This only proves me one thing: 人是泛贱 (pardon my chinese if I used the wrong 'fan')
This only proves me one thing: 人是泛贱 (pardon my chinese if I used the wrong 'fan')
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My creation
The last time I actually did some DIY stuff is really a long time ago. I think I should be in secondary school or something. Even since then, I practically have no time to do these stuffs. Have decided to start abit of these DIY stuffs as these hand made accessories on sale are just expensive! Ok lah, I admit, my skills not as good as these people who make and sell them, but I guess it is still acceptable to me to wear them lah.
This pair of earrings is made to match the necklace that Angela made for me last month. I hope it really matches well....
This pair of earrings is made to match the necklace that Angela made for me last month. I hope it really matches well....
Monday, May 5, 2008
My Girl
Ok, I am slow..... After people finished watching it on SCV and even on Channel U, here I am watching this show on my pirate brand DVDs. Hahahaahaha.... But this show is really nice, very funny!
And I like Lee Joon Ki!!! Yes, he looks girly but he is charming in his girly way lor...... His latest show 'Time between Dog and Wolf', with his short hair, fit and slightly muscular physique, he really look very different!

Actually I quite like Korea..... maybe it's due to the nice cool weather that is DEFINITELY MOST IMPOSSIBLE in Singapore. They have nice sceneries with all the mountains and the cool weather is nice excellent! And they have sakuras!!! Yes, me being the mountain tortoise thought that sakuras only exist in Japan, but they have it in Korea!

Actually I quite like Korea..... maybe it's due to the nice cool weather that is DEFINITELY MOST IMPOSSIBLE in Singapore. They have nice sceneries with all the mountains and the cool weather is nice excellent! And they have sakuras!!! Yes, me being the mountain tortoise thought that sakuras only exist in Japan, but they have it in Korea!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Heard a superb news from E today, she finally got proposed!!!! So happy for her! If me and BC have been running a marathon before getting married, then hers is a super marathon! They were together for at least a few years longer than mine and I am sure they have been through thick and thin these years, now is the final huddle to the beginning of another starting line.
Hmm, how long have I known E???? Since we graduated in mid 2001, we became colleagues in the same firm. My first impression is a demure lady with fair complexion and super black and long straight hair. I think we got closer while preparing the performance for the 'Welcome A1 bash', all the time of practising and dancing and all made us grew closer. For us, we seems to have this unspoken bond, she is always there for me when I need someone to talk to and I hope I have done the same for her too. Although we do not meet superbly often, whenever we meet up, we never run out of things to talk about. We even have the same fetish for hand made accessories! Sms, MSN and even the current FB are modes that we kept in touch.
If there is a definition of a true friend, I find it all in her. In times of help, she will be there. In times of joy, she will be there to share too. Even when she was busy with her new job which requires intensive travelling, she still bothers to make special arrangement so that not only can she attend my wedding but most importantly of all to help me during this special day. Never hesitating to offer help is her plus point. Even though she looks and behaving 'princessy', she is definitely not princessy and high and mighty. Given her slightly above average family background, she is still a down to earth gal who wishes for the simple things in life.
E: I am so glad to have a friend like you and I'm really happy with K's proposal! Don't worry about anything about your wedding, just let me know what help you need and I'll be there to assist you! :)
Hmm, how long have I known E???? Since we graduated in mid 2001, we became colleagues in the same firm. My first impression is a demure lady with fair complexion and super black and long straight hair. I think we got closer while preparing the performance for the 'Welcome A1 bash', all the time of practising and dancing and all made us grew closer. For us, we seems to have this unspoken bond, she is always there for me when I need someone to talk to and I hope I have done the same for her too. Although we do not meet superbly often, whenever we meet up, we never run out of things to talk about. We even have the same fetish for hand made accessories! Sms, MSN and even the current FB are modes that we kept in touch.
If there is a definition of a true friend, I find it all in her. In times of help, she will be there. In times of joy, she will be there to share too. Even when she was busy with her new job which requires intensive travelling, she still bothers to make special arrangement so that not only can she attend my wedding but most importantly of all to help me during this special day. Never hesitating to offer help is her plus point. Even though she looks and behaving 'princessy', she is definitely not princessy and high and mighty. Given her slightly above average family background, she is still a down to earth gal who wishes for the simple things in life.
E: I am so glad to have a friend like you and I'm really happy with K's proposal! Don't worry about anything about your wedding, just let me know what help you need and I'll be there to assist you! :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Last weekend was serious nuahness........ Other than went mass on Good Friday and Easter, it's basically nuah day and anime day for me. Caught up with Saiunkoku Monogatari and completed season 1 and now I am half way there in season 2! Yeah! It's really touching at some episodes that it brought tears to my eyes.
Sometimes I really find that my life is terribly boring. It's basically sleep, work, back home, watch TV and sleep. Even weekends are just wake up, maybe movie, watch TV, and church. Going out on weekends is a killer for us as we cannot cannot stand crowds. Singapore is so smaller and the population (whether is it in born or 'foreign talents') are is growing and growing. What the hell.......... as if we have more than enough space for ourselves to do the things we want. I would love to go the beach sometimes but transport is an issue for us. East Coast is far for us and West Coast is just not accessible. Hiaz........ I hate this place sometimes. My families and friends are here but the lifestyle just sucks! I wonder how long can I tahan here.
Sometimes I really find that my life is terribly boring. It's basically sleep, work, back home, watch TV and sleep. Even weekends are just wake up, maybe movie, watch TV, and church. Going out on weekends is a killer for us as we cannot cannot stand crowds. Singapore is so smaller and the population (whether is it in born or 'foreign talents') are is growing and growing. What the hell.......... as if we have more than enough space for ourselves to do the things we want. I would love to go the beach sometimes but transport is an issue for us. East Coast is far for us and West Coast is just not accessible. Hiaz........ I hate this place sometimes. My families and friends are here but the lifestyle just sucks! I wonder how long can I tahan here.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saiunkoku Monogatari (彩云国物语)

The story, which takes place in the fictional medieval empire of Saiunkoku, follows the adventures of Kou Shuurei, a descendant of a noble family that has fallen on hard times. Her father works as a librarian in the Imperial palace, a post which offers prestige and respect, but little compensation. Shuurei teaches in the temple school and works odd jobs to make ends meet, but her dream is to pass the imperial examinations and take a post in government, a path forbidden to women.
Shuurei's plans come to an abrupt halt when the Emperor's Grand Advisor makes a startling offer, which is joining the imperial household for six months as the young Emperor's consort, and teach the Emperor to be a responsible ruler. If she succeeds, the financial reward will be great.
The story details Shuurei's growing relationships with the Emperor and other members of the court, the intrigues that surround imperial politics, and her commitment to better herself and her country.

Ain't they handsome????
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